
Mineral ProCessing
Mineral processing is a LogiProc core strength and processing knowledge is our key differentiator. Our process engineering team is well versed in unit operations such as Stockpiling & Reclaiming, ROM Handling, Crushing, Screening, Milling, Gravity Separation, Floatation, Leaching, Adsorption, Elution, Gold Smelting, Dense Media Separation (DMS), Thickening, Filtration & other solids de-watering processes, Magnetic separation etc.
This process expertise is supported by competence and experience in related fields such as material handling, pumping & piping, civil, structural, infrastructure, tailings disposal, electrical, and instrumentation & control. We excel in integrating these skills in order to deliver world class processing plants.
Since our inception in 1999 we have successfully delivered more than 500 projects, mainly in Africa, but also worldwide in counties such as Peru, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Turkey.
Our mineral knowledge spans the spectrum with specific competence in Gold, Diamonds, Base metals, Rare Earths, Coal and Lithium.
We jealously guard our reputation and have developed longstanding relationships with equipment suppliers and service providers in industry which enables us to provide our clients with the best possible solution at a competitive cost.

LogiProc’s water and effluent treatment service offering evolved from our mineral sector expertise. We found that the systematic and structured engineering approach, that is a pre-requisite on a mineral sector project, could be equally successfully applied to the water sector.
Our process engineering systems, supported by mechanical, structural, electrical, instrumentation & control skill set, bring something different to traditional water project execution.
We offer water treatment solutions to the Industrial, mining and municipal sectors ranging from potable water plants to various industrial effluent applications including technologies such as membrane filtration, ion exchange, de-solidifying, evaporation and crystallisation.
Cyanide Detoxification and AMD treatment are particular skills in this sector. We are knowledgeable in the various Cyanide detox technologies and are well versed in the ICMI codes that these plants must comply with.
For AMD treatment we have partnered with the developers and license holder of the patented KNeW TM technology for the treatment of AMD waste streams, and we are able to offer these solutions to our clients.
For the municipal sector we are focused on being the M&E design and construct partner of choice.

Our engineering, project management and processing expertise, developed and honed in the mineral processing and water sectors, is equally applicable in other sectors of the economy. Our reference list includes chemical, petro-chemical, industrial and fertiliser projects.